Online Workshop Series #3 - Musical Analysis and Playing to the Tune

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For workshop #3 we will be continuing where we left of and going further in depth on learning how to play to each specific tune. Musical Analysis is an important skill in being able to identify and execute grooves that fit with the tune and complement the melody. As tunes go by quickly, this is a skill that involved a well-trained ear to pick up on the subtleties that can really make or break a tune's accompaniment. Just as our ears need to be trained, we will also learn how to apply this method and utilize various grooves, fills and ornamentation to fit with the tune. The following workshop (Utilizing the Back-Hand and Understanding Back-Hand Technique) will further this by going more in depth on Back-Hand technique to enhance your grooves.

Package Deal available for the May 16th, 30th and June 13th workshops. Please refer to the Package Deal listing on the Tour Dates page